
A First in Tunisia : A complete makeover of your curtains!

Your curtain is getting older and worn out but you are really attached to it? A curtain that reminds you of good memories: birth of your elder, a family special event ... but unfortunately it is no more aesthetically acceptable for the decoration of your home? Do not panic! "Bargaoui Rideaux" thought of you! The first clothing and decoration company in Tunisia to think about this idea, "Bargaoui Rideaux" offers you a complete makeover service of your "dear" curtains, to give them a real refresh!

The "Bargaoui" team does not lack technical skills and artistic sense to realize your dreams of making your old curtains look like you want!

"Bargaoui Curtains": the only one in Tunisia that mounts and dismounts your curtains on the spot!

In order to retain its many customers, "Bargaoui Rideaux" is completely responsible for the chain of making, delivery, dismounting and mounting of your curtains! A multidisciplinary and unique service in Tunisia that turns your contact with us into a rich and unforgettable human experience! Based on its developed know-how, its perfectly attentive staff and its exemplary work, "Bargaoui Rideaux" thinks of your daily comfort and facilitates the execution of your decision to change or revise your curtains by taking in complete charge of this process, often delicate and demotivating!

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