
Ms. Bargaoui

an exceptional talent

Somewhere in the street of Laurier in the Taieb Mhiri city in Aouina, there is the showroom of Bargaoui Rideaux where prestigious curtains decorate its attractive window. Behind the curtains, there is the exceptional woman who looks forward to your meeting and reserves you a warm welcome with a service that meets your expectations: Mrs. Bargaoui!

Born into an artistic family where her mother was a designer and curtain maker, Ms. Bargaoui was born with a passion for curtains and model making. Driven by her passion, she practiced for a recognized brand of shirts, since 1948.

Having today a sense of distinguished estheticism, a unique talent of curtains making and a number of appreciable certifications, Ms. Bargaoui will have the great pleasure to welcome you and serve you in her own showroom: Bargaoui Rideaux.

As one of the founders of the "Mafrouchette" fair, Ms. Bargaoui is also known by a varied VIP clientele. Indeed, the presidential palace, embassies, hotels, restaurants, complexes, halls and faculties have completely trusted her!

With more than 20 years of experience in decoration tips, fabrics and curtains making, this talented woman guarantees you an extraordinary experience that will perfectly satisfy your desires!

The fabric, she knows it like the back of her hand

Having spent more than 70 years in the textile world surrounded by different types of fabrics, Ms. Bargaoui has managed to acquire unparalleled expertise in this field, as evidenced by the number of certifications acquired. She is now a reference in the world of textiles, a material she knows as her pocket!

Manipulating easily all types of fabrics, Ms. Bargaoui was the first modeller in Tunisia to create a wedding dress with curtain fabrics. She uses every textile piece, knowing for each the value and utility, to extract phenomenal works.

A sophisticated decoration

If you have no idea how you will lead your interior design, Ms. Bargaoui is ready to help you! With many certifications that reflect her great artistic sense, she allows herself the luxury of bringing you her advanced know-how and providing you with the expert advice you need.

An expert in the decoration of hotels, restaurants, reception halls and many other VIP places, Ms. Bargaoui is at the service of anyone looking for elegance in their living or working space.

Appealing to her imagination and intuition, she accompanies you with her highly developed sense of creativity and guarantees you an incredibly sublime result for your interior design!

Meticulousness in curtains making

The works of Mrs. Bargaoui can only be done with care, rigor and diligence! Indeed, the sewing factory of Bargaoui Rideaux, being under her direction, ensures you tailor-made creations done with the greatest precision.

Respect for quality and deadlines is at the heart of her concerns. Regardless of the type of fabric, Ms. Bargaoui's team is perfectly skilled in sewing both by machines and hands. Everything is done with great care between their sewing needles and finger guards.

Certifications that tell us all about her expertise!

One of its founders, Ms. Bargaoui regularly participates in the fair "Mafrouchette" where she stands out from other participants by her honorable presence. Also present at the international fair in Sousse, Ms. Bargaoui has earned, with merit, the name of "Best participant" twice: in 2003 and 2004.

The Fair of Expofemina 2004, organized by the Tunisian Union of Trade and Handicrafts Industry, under the theme "Business Women, Development and Progress Partners", was also honored by the presence of Ms. Bargaoui, this businesswoman par excellence!

In fact, Ms. Bargaoui's success in the world of business has been witnessed internationally where Actualidad, the publishing house of the Spanish magazine of tourism, industry and commerce, has awarded her the international prize "Golden Eagle for Prestige And Quality " in 2010. This award attests to Mrs. Bargaoui's high quality of service!

Our registered trademark guarantees the authenticity of the brand Bargaoui Rideaux

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  • 3rd edition Mafrouchet 2013